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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Threads of Evolution

All-encompassing invisible golden threads, reaching down from beyond, swaying gently back and forth amongst humans. As they meander back and forth moving about ever so gently and tapping us on our shoulders as a reminder or perhaps an encouragement to those of us who may have an idea of an invention that he or she may go ahead and articulate into an actual concept. Then taking this concept and building it into something that enriches society and giving us all a chance to use and advance our lives. These are the “Threads of Evolution.”

From the beginning of time and unknown to us, these golden threads have oscillated in space, and as progress was underway in all domains of life, these threads moved closer, sometimes within inches of us, prodding us and giving us all the necessary signals to take on the dream implanted in our thoughts and moving us ahead with the ideas and thus the ultimate inventions. And through the prodding of these golden threads our world slowly shaped and advanced into what it is today.

Methodically as these golden strings extended and touched one of us, and that individual acted upon that feeling and created this invention, he or she brought into the world something that made our lives more fulfilling, it made our life more meaningful.

Our lives can forever be enriched by the challenges we put forth. We can create the invention then stand back and marvel at this miracle and help others take advantage of a better way of doing things.
Like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo Da Vinci, Samuel Morse, Archimedes, Guglielmo Marconi, Isaac Newton, Galileo, Louis Braille, Steve Jobs, Louis Pasteur, The Wright Brothers, etc...........

Unfortunately, these threads are made up of two colors. Gold for all the positive and fulfilling results they brought about and gray for all the negative aspects of our lives through inventors who took the chance to gain prestige and wealth it was associated with, such as bombs and machinery of mass destruction.

The golden inventions, could be in the form of music which touched Mozart or Bach, or any of the thousands of talented musicians when being touched by these threads could compose and bring into the world the most magnificent sounds we learned to enjoy and be exalted with because of their existence.

The first wheel, the first car by Ford, The first airplane by the Wright brothers. The train, the ship, the bicycle, the horse carriage, the telescope, the paper copier, the newspaper, the fax, the iphone, the magnificent new homes that were molded after the early man’s caves, the telephone, the radio, the television, the submarine for peaceful purposes, the computer, the satellites that have changed our world in so many ways and so on and on and on.

These were inventions by brilliant minds who were touched by these golden strings, who unlike others believed enough in their value and devoted their lives to bringing these inventions about so they could be heard or touched or used for one’s enjoyment for their peaceful usage.

Humanity has developed over thousands of years because of these new thoughts which helped us move forward and on occasions from inventions that have deterred our growth. Threads in gray that formulated the guns, bombs, grenades, fighter planes, warships, war designed submarine, the sniper rifle, the machine gun spewing thousands of rounds of ammunition with a single tug of the trigger. The chemicals that were borne out of good use and transformed into a negative one, ultimately finding their use for killing thousands. The torcher chambers, the poisons, the acid which had been borne of good intentions that were used unfortunately for negative purposes.

The list goes on and these threads will continue to suspend from the universe hoping to touch each one of us that feels the need to bring mankind to a better place.

As the world advances or falls behind because of the gray threads, we may find that more planets such as ours exist. That we are destined to seek habitation in various planets in the million years ahead. That we were given the chance to start here but eventually find ourselves habituating other planets.

The threads were there all along to assist us. Each person that was touched needed to decide to move forward with what he or she was given or squander the idea and remain status quo.
The space station up there is just a tiny hint of what we have as potential before us. We will continue to look up to individuals who having been touched by these threads will have been given the opportunity to make something out of nothing. The threads have helped these individuals accept the idea and it is left up to them to get started and bring it to fruition.

We’ve known of millions of men and women who felt that special feeling, that special touch and took the opportunity and created the inventions. Others received the same information and never acted upon it.

Look around you. Countless individuals with successful ventures who made something out of nothing while others who later in life confessed, “Why did I not follow my instincts, why did I not believe enough in my intuition?” ‘Would have! Could Have!’ Those instincts were related to the hanging threads, the opportunity was there, but strong enough belief in one’s instincts were not there.
We depend on the rest of us who are touched by these threads. Some take up the challenge, while others drop the ball and in so doing missed out on a chance to be further ahead.

Slowly those with enough belief shall propel us into better circumstances, a better future. They will forge a new world for us and they will continue to explore our possibilities.

The strings are magical. They bear the future of what we deem as the enlightenment of mankind. They will give us all the necessary breaks that we hope to grab and further our cause making this existence something to cherish and be void of the mundane things we are straddled with.
There are inventions yet to surface that will change mankind as a whole.

Already we are seeing the early stages of those inventions like the flying car, the path that will create energy to run our households, the solar power created by various gadgets that have already been put in motion.  The prosthetic limbs that make an amputee nearly whole again and make us feel as part of the rest of humankind. The innovation of sight that is afforded one who was blind all his of his or her life. The hearing impaired that were given sound and on and on.

But there is so much still ahead of us. The countless diseases that are being battled, from cancer to Alzheimer’s and the multitude of others. The pain of some third world countries inundated with all kinds of diseases and thus unable to move forward.

We have come so far and have yet so much more to go.

Some of us are devastating this world, through hate, anger, pollution, religious differences, heads of governments that line their pockets with riches created through the sweat of the common decent men and women.

We made it to the moon and back, what reason then for us not to find ourselves on other possible life sustaining places? Why did we stop dreaming! Where did we go wrong?

There are so many sectors of our society that can achieve more. We need to pay heed to these hanging threads. We need to see what is the next invention out there that will propel mankind to the next highland?

There is a reason why those of us that made it into this world. There is an assignment that we must not turn our backs against. To some maybe we were just born to enjoy the fruits of this state and then slowly crumble and die away.

There is a far greater reason for our existence. We are all assigned tasks and we need to research and find what there is before us.

We have a responsibility to one another to thrust us into the next stage.
Yes, there will always be detractors. There will always be Idi Amins, Hitlers, Khadafy’s, Mousillinis, etc. etc. But they are miniscule against most of the world. We are so far greater in numbers that their individuality will not deter us.

Gandhi, a diminutive man stood against the British and won the freedom for his country.
His story and countless more strengthens our resolve. We must not falter.

We need to listen and be aware. The long hanging strings are slowly swaying in the wind and touching most of us. We must be aware of this and act upon any feeling we get towards bettering mankind. We must be ready, we must be attentive to this call that may rest upon our shoulders and not risk walking away from an invention or inventions.

Be aware. Be ready. Your string maybe swaying in your direction.

The inventions still to be created are:
Mankind having the ability to hover a few feet from the ground and going about their business with the least wear and tear.

Mankind being able to communicate without misunderstandings, where words spoken equal words understood and no deviation from it.

Seeing each other as equals no matter what our physical make-up is portrayed.
Different languages spoken but received in the language of the person listening. Example a German speaks to an Italian, the words automatically translated into the language of the receiving party. In this case the Italian language is received.

Planes with wheels jammed and unable to be deployed land on a third runaway in the airport where a swimming pool with a floating tube takes the brunt of the weight of the plane and brings the plane to an automatic stop.

When each seat in the plane is converted to a flying parachute and the ceiling of the plane opens automatically as each seat is released upward in case of a dire emergency.

We must be cognizant of such possibilities and work hard to make mankind safer, better and more enjoyable to be a part of.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Our world ----- where are we headed????

Every day that I awake and get my news from every periodical, newspaper, T.V., websites, Facebook, Twitter, internet etc. it seems the world is headed in such a negative direction.

What happened to us? Where did we make this crucial painful turn that led us to this horrific arena?

Look around you, it seems everyone now seems to be walking or eating or travelling with their cell phones seizing their entire attention.

People used to greet one another and wave and say ‘hello.’ That is finally disappearing, as the older generation still endure in that arena as they haven’t quite mastered the new technical modernizations.
‘Hello’ is slowly disappearing into ‘excuse me’ as we smash accidentally against one another while maneuvering through our cell phone pages.

As Apple and Samsung get technically more advanced, we may need to start wearing helmets and body vests as the bumping against one another takes heavier tolls.
In a few years as the man-less autos come to the scene, we can visualize a passenger sitting comfortably in his or her new invention hurriedly going through his or her messages on his or her cell phone while having no concept of what goes on around.

As he or she gets to his or her office building he or she will naturally sit on the next car like wagon that will automatically take him or her into the building elevator which will automatically take him or her to their respective floors, and the cart will automatically be programmed to take him or her to his or her office where he or she will vacate the wagon which will roll back to a waiting spot for the later requirement while he or she exchanges it for his or her office chair.

His or her office will have all the necessary gadgets which will make him or her extremely productive and at the same time head him or her towards this robotic lifestyle.
Even now people text one another while sitting in adjoining offices. No movement or interaction needed.

Eventually our speaking abilities will diminish to the point of the early man’s dialogue abilities.
New words will be added to our dictionaries. Words like ‘gaa’ or ‘gronk’ or ‘haga’ or ‘junga’ but we’ll definitely be more productive. Our interaction will slowly disappear to the point of office meetings will be conducted through gadgets like Skype and other such inventions.
Are we becoming a better race?

Technically ‘yes,’ but humanely a definite ‘no.’
So what will companies like Apple, Microsoft and Google be doing for humanity in the future after they’ve surrounded themselves with trillions of dollars in their coffers as they doll out more gadgets for us to use, contraptions that create hyperactivity to the point of people lining up days before a new gadget comes into the marketplace?

Nothing! They won’t have to! Just like sheep we’ll go where they point for us to go. Stay where they want us to stay, eat what they want us to eat and state words that they want us to use like ‘browsing,’ ‘tweeting,’ ‘icloud,’ ‘hard-drive,’ ‘software,’ cpu,’ ‘apple-pay,’ ‘download,’ ‘texting.’
As for humanity, technically we’ll be well advanced thanks to the big three. But as for spiritually or otherwise it may be a huge catastrophe.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

My mirror speaks to me.....

My mirror speaks to me!

A grey hair gently falls on my shoulder- a tattletale sign of my continued aging. But it's ok! We’re all in as they say 'in the same boat.' There's no getting away from it.  
Then I look at my handsome Daniel and my beautiful Nikka and my good fortune reawakens within me.

I remember my dad when he was a young man and the good looks he was blessed with and how he stood out in all his photos! A handsome fiend! Then I compared them to ones he had taken in his later years. He looked old and the years had not been kind to him especially due to his use of alcohol and his excessive smoking.

In those restless days when smoking was the thing movies stars extolled and drinking ran rampant amongst the elite, the average person followed their footsteps with ambivalence, yet somehow they felt a power surge in imitating their screen idols.

And then one day as the years added up, and thirty years have since disappeared and the age twenty-six has now converted to fifty-six and each day seems to pass even sooner similar to white clouds rushing similar to a fast moving hurricane.

But one thing one needs to remembered, good looks are fleeting human frailties and could never be compared to our experienced and caring heart!

All the cosmetic surgeries now available to those who find solace in their belief that old age can be conquered under the experienced hands of a skilled surgeon, only to realize that escapades such as these only lend to the ruination of a kind and gentle face that was adored by the millions.

No amount of cosmetic surgery can take the place of a kind older gentleman, who has aged without the need for cosmetic surgeries. One who gives a helping hand to a little kid who just fell and scraped his knee, or the blood he donates to save a young man wounded in battle, or sitting by the bedside of a freighted girl who wakes up with nightmares, or shielding a scared boy or girl who fear the wrath of the roar of the lighting! Or one who gave his only piece of bread to a starving kid who wonders the streets with no parents to call his own!

Looks mean very little if there is no heart. Looks are temporary but a good heart remains permanent and as we get older our heart the now learned element of our system is far superior to the fading looks we were endowed with in our early stages of life!

Every day the mirror speaks to me, “Look around you,” it says, “and you will unquestionably see that beauty and striking looks disappear with age, that is an inevitability. Grow old and build a more beautiful and caring heart! That is the secret to immortality!”