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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Our world ----- where are we headed????

Every day that I awake and get my news from every periodical, newspaper, T.V., websites, Facebook, Twitter, internet etc. it seems the world is headed in such a negative direction.

What happened to us? Where did we make this crucial painful turn that led us to this horrific arena?

Look around you, it seems everyone now seems to be walking or eating or travelling with their cell phones seizing their entire attention.

People used to greet one another and wave and say ‘hello.’ That is finally disappearing, as the older generation still endure in that arena as they haven’t quite mastered the new technical modernizations.
‘Hello’ is slowly disappearing into ‘excuse me’ as we smash accidentally against one another while maneuvering through our cell phone pages.

As Apple and Samsung get technically more advanced, we may need to start wearing helmets and body vests as the bumping against one another takes heavier tolls.
In a few years as the man-less autos come to the scene, we can visualize a passenger sitting comfortably in his or her new invention hurriedly going through his or her messages on his or her cell phone while having no concept of what goes on around.

As he or she gets to his or her office building he or she will naturally sit on the next car like wagon that will automatically take him or her into the building elevator which will automatically take him or her to their respective floors, and the cart will automatically be programmed to take him or her to his or her office where he or she will vacate the wagon which will roll back to a waiting spot for the later requirement while he or she exchanges it for his or her office chair.

His or her office will have all the necessary gadgets which will make him or her extremely productive and at the same time head him or her towards this robotic lifestyle.
Even now people text one another while sitting in adjoining offices. No movement or interaction needed.

Eventually our speaking abilities will diminish to the point of the early man’s dialogue abilities.
New words will be added to our dictionaries. Words like ‘gaa’ or ‘gronk’ or ‘haga’ or ‘junga’ but we’ll definitely be more productive. Our interaction will slowly disappear to the point of office meetings will be conducted through gadgets like Skype and other such inventions.
Are we becoming a better race?

Technically ‘yes,’ but humanely a definite ‘no.’
So what will companies like Apple, Microsoft and Google be doing for humanity in the future after they’ve surrounded themselves with trillions of dollars in their coffers as they doll out more gadgets for us to use, contraptions that create hyperactivity to the point of people lining up days before a new gadget comes into the marketplace?

Nothing! They won’t have to! Just like sheep we’ll go where they point for us to go. Stay where they want us to stay, eat what they want us to eat and state words that they want us to use like ‘browsing,’ ‘tweeting,’ ‘icloud,’ ‘hard-drive,’ ‘software,’ cpu,’ ‘apple-pay,’ ‘download,’ ‘texting.’
As for humanity, technically we’ll be well advanced thanks to the big three. But as for spiritually or otherwise it may be a huge catastrophe.